I am unrivalled in my field at nourishing you with  potent Juju /Spiritual medicine, when life throws you a curveball, so that you can spread the wings of your indomitable Spirit and live through life’s turbulence with exquisite alignment, authenticity and the true joy that overflows from the infinite wellspring of Great Juju.

I support you through challenging times (and when all’s well) with nourishing spiritual wisdom, practices and experiences, designed specifically for you and your unique situation.

Should you desire to dive deeper into metaphysics or other mystical practices for your elevation, please inquire.

Here’s how I work:

I work with individuals and couples on a 1:1 (you & me)


1:2 (me, you and someone you bring).


Metaphysical experiences, practices  and ceremonies can be created for small groups (including families)

Schedule a time on my calendar below, to speak with me about your situation and the details of your bespoke experience.

Would you like a:

  • Full day VIP – starts at $250K
  • Full Weekend – starts at $475K
  • Juju Quests & Other Unique Offerings/Solutions  – start at 7 Figures
  • Other formats not mentioned above  – Inquire by appointment

NOTE: Though not needed, your curated experience can include a couple of other strictly vetted experts, chosen by Fri, to enhance your overall experience and results.

NOTE: Your privacy is highly important to us. We sign and honor non-disclosure agreements. We are completely discreet and private. Rest assured, you’re in safe hands.

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