A Beautiful Baby Girl Conception Manifestation Story

I stretched lazily, breathed deeply and gently opened my eyes to welcome the new day. But, by my bed, stood a baby girl; a toddler of about 2 years old, with the biggest, brightest, most beautiful smile on her face.

My mouth too, stretched into a wide smile. I couldn’t help myself.

“Hello,” I whispered as I reached out to touch her beautiful smiling face.

She disappeared.

Manifesting my beautiful baby girl daughter was one of my favorite deliberate creative experiences. It was quick, easy and delightfully Metaphysical.


When my husband and I decided to have children, I told him I didn’t want a baby girl. I only wanted boys.

At the time, my belief was that boys were much easier to raise than girls. This belief came about because I was a very independently minded child, stubborn in my ways and had caused my parents quite a bit of chagrin, growing up.


I didn’t want a child like me. And I thought if I had a baby girl, she would be just like me and be hard to raise.

So, I deliberated called boy children into our lives and those pregnancies/births were beautiful. Of course, our boys are easy going, though energetic and I enjoy being their mom.

Then, one day, while on a family picnic, I watched a mother and her baby girl having tea, both dressed in pink. They looked so happy, it was heavenly.

And just like that, I found myself with the thought of having a baby girl of my own!

Step 1: Buying Baby Girl Things

Suddenly, I was seeing pink cuteness wherever I went. Ha. Ha.

One of my girlfriends owned a children’s boutique. I went there and bought the cutest things. I bought pink onesies, pink baby socks, pink baby sun hats and oh! The cutest ballerina pink baby girl booties!

I placed these items on my meditation room altar and began my ritual of calling my baby girl into our lives.

Step 2: Cleaning Up My Baby Girl Mom Vibes

It was time for me to “clean up” my beliefs around having a baby girl who would be difficult to raise, just like I was, to my parents.

I realized there was nothing to “clean up”. Instead, what I needed to do was to ACCEPT and be fond of myself as I was then and as I am, now.

It became clear to me that my parents had perceived me as “difficult to raise” only because my abilities, ideas and ways of being were different to what they hoped for in their model of a girl child.

These realizations helped set me free and I soared in the knowing that I would have an incredible daughter and move through life in a splendid, satisfying relationship with her.

Step 3: Core Values Mother Daughter Relationship

Once I’d settled into my decision for a beautiful and satisfying relationship with my baby girl to be, I deepened our resonance further.

Unlike with my boys, my daughter and I would walk a slightly different pathway because there are girl things that she and I would navigate together.

For starters, things like periods, boobs, and makeup…So much fun to be had, right?

I laid the energetic covenant for the foundation of our thriving relationship.

At the foundation of my personal energetic covenant is the core value of FREEDOM. I can never be contained. I must always be free.


Once I laid this foundation of FREEDOM as the core value of our relationship, I began to build the rest of our relationship upon this foundation.

Love, responsibility, empathy, and trust are examples of the building blocks upon my core value of FREEDOM foundation, for our splendid mommy baby girl daughter relationship.

Step 4: Connect with HER

Now, it was time to connect with my baby girl and establish that relationship even before I conceived her.

In my spiritual practice, I connected with the being whose resonant frequency matched my husband’s and mine for the mission of being her parents.

She was already preparing her conception timeline and knew what she wanted in her own covenant for the most suited parents for this her newest lifetime.

With her help, I refined my energetic covenant to include building blocks that related specifically to her earthly mission and vision.

She would let me know when her conception timeline was ready.

It was pure magick to know my baby girl BEFORE we conceived her.

So, on the day that she appeared by my bed as a 2-year-old toddler with the most beautiful smile on her face, I knew that her conception timeline was ready.

I told my husband and right away, I was pregnant!

No “trying” to conceive. No ovulation tests and calendars. No mucus checks. No struggles. No worries.

Just an easy, breezy, beautiful and metaphysical baby girl conception manifestation.

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